WRRC 2023 Annual Conference

WRRC 2023 Annual Conference

Event Date

Student Union Grand Ballroom, Tucson, AZ

The University of Arizona Water Resources Research Center invites proposals for conference presentations and posters that aim to address the pressing water resource challenges currently facing Arizona and the region. These are worrisome times. For many Arizona residents, meeting existing water demands under drought in the Colorado River Basin is foremost on their minds. Beyond this critical challenge, growth and climate change continue to pressure water supplies. Others face concerns of local water contamination or groundwater overdraft issues. The natural environment in many areas is threatened by drought and competing water uses, and some communities lack access to safe and adequate water service. Farmers are tasked with increasing water efficiency and cities need additional effective conservation strategies. By focusing on solutions, the WRRC hopes to bring forward ideas that offer pathways to water security for all Arizonans.

Challenges addressed by conference presentations and posters may include, but are not limited to, supply, quality, conservation, environmental, agricultural, economic, justice, or any combination. Proposed solutions may be technological, legal-institutional, financial, specific or conceptual, small or large scale. The WRRC Conference Advisory Committee will develop the conference program to reflect the range of solutions proposed.

Proposals are invited in the following formats:

  1. 10- to 15-minute oral presentation
  2. 5- to 7-minute highlight talk
  3. Poster (3-minute oral presentation optional, but required for judging student posters)

Proposals may be submitted to multiple topics; each accepted submission will be assigned to a single topic and format during program development. Proposals should state how the solution addresses water scarcity, development status (e.g., proof of concept, pilot stage, ready for full-scale implementation), barriers to implementation, feasibility, and novelty. A single submission should be made per proposal (e.g., for presentations with multiple authors, only the lead presenter should submit a proposal).

Notification of proposal review outcomes will occur on or about April 21, 2023.

Please email any questions to jessiehampton@arizona.edu

Proposal Deadline: Tuesday, February 21, 2023, 11:59 PM MST